April 28th 2022

Tell me what you really want: creating a culture of openness and feedback

An open culture fosters creativity and promotes innovation. So where do you start?

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March 24th 2022

How accessible are your comms?

Do you communicate in a way that everyone can understand? Check out our quick guide to creating accessible comms.

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February 17th 2022

“And now for something completely different”: communicating for transformation success

We take a look at how to communicate for transformation success.

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January 27th 2022

How to deliver empathy in employee engagement

Connect and care – delivering empathy for better employee engagement

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December 16th 2021

Don’t mince your words

Words can inspire us, motivate us, or simply annoy us. We take a light-hearted look at a copywriter’s obsession.

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December 2nd 2021

Performance Coaching – a work in progress

Listen, question, encourage – how to create a performance coaching culture.

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October 21st 2021

Wellbeing: just say the word…

How healthy is your wellbeing strategy? We take a look at ways to keep it in tip top condition.

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October 7th 2021

The power of delivering on diversity and inclusion

Higher returns, a more creative, innovative workforce and more – we examine the many benefits of delivering on D&I.

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September 16th 2021

Women in leadership – your key to a better business?

We take a look at the issue of women in leadership, from gender pay to gender parity and analyse what progress is being made.

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June 14th 2021

“I see you”: why genuine empathy needs to take centre stage in the workplace

We take a closer look at the benefits that empathy can bring to your business.

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October 12th 2020

Could distractions really help your creative block?

Cognitive fixation is thought by many psychologists to be a leading obstacle to true creativity. So taking a shower, getting distracted really can help.

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April 6th 2020

A WFH booklist

As we experience our new life in lockdown, escaping into a good book is an even greater pleasure than usual. It’s made me think about books that might...

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August 10th 2019

Ambassador or Influencer – who’s right for your brand?

There was a time when brands had all the power. They set the agenda, led the conversation, and made sure the message, well, stayed on message. But now the power is in the hands of individuals too. They operate in the channels and engage with the audiences that our brands want to reach out to. So how do brands make these connections?

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February 15th 2019

Soggy bottom

When I point out poor kerning to friends or family, I often get the rolling of the eyes or a vague expression on their face.

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December 5th 2018

No creative person is an island

There is a saying that “no creative person is an island” and I would have to agree. High performance and creativity does not just simply pop into one’s mind.

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June 13th 2018

A life of their own? The brand mascot phenomenon

Characters just tend to stick in our heads, and help us remember information. This is the case from childhood, in fact (readers of a certain age may remember the Green Cross Code man, a public announcement character who helped us cross the road safely).

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May 22nd 2018

Are brands brave enough to back women’s sport?

The money invested in women’s sport sponsorship and branding still remains a small fraction of the overall spend.

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March 28th 2018

Eco-design and the 5 Ps

Marketers and business owners will know all about the marketing mix and the principle of the 4Ps (product, place, price and promotion). However, I suggest that we all need to urgently adopt a fifth 'P', Planet.

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March 15th 2018

The big print revival

Last week we saw the demise of the once-iconic music magazine, the NME. My 16-year- old Britpop loving self would have been devastated to lose her weekly fix of inky-fingered teenage rebellion, but in today’s publishing landscape this a sadly familiar story. Last year saw the last print edition of The Independent newspaper, while a host of other UK magazines have either folded or moved to online-only editions in the last few years.

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September 21st 2017

Typography with emotion

When people think of typography, more often than not, it still conjures an image of the printed page, static letterforms...

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