Anglo American
Gamifying training
Anglo American is a global workforce of 105,000 people, spanning over 15 regions. Currently they operate 56 mine sites globally, which means there are many ways to conduct day-to-day business.
Given their global span, there are many situations in which day-to-day business activities could present difficult business ethical dilemmas and if not managed correctly result in high-risk to the business.
As such, the employees who may be exposed to these situations must respond whereby they Conduct Business with Integrity, in order to maintain Anglo American’s good reputation and in turn business success. Therefore, annual training is vital to provide these employees with the knowledge and skills to operate with integrity and within the law – and to protect Anglo American’s good reputation.
Lucent was briefed to create collaborative and immersive virtual training sessions, relevant to a global audience, to prompt in-depth conversations, that could be executed easily and efficiently across many locations and languages.
The Solution
We created game-changing, engaging and impactful training workshop environments that reflected and reinforced Anglo American’s core value of Innovation. We devised a visually rich approach of gamification, designed to provide a far more immersive, effective and engaging learning experience.
We made the training self-regulated which could be delivered virtually by a facilitator and easily executed on a global scale – with tools and guidance to enable any host in any location to deliver a consistent experience to employees. Hosting the training workshops via Teams, we built the game as an interactive PDF, that was run by a facilitator. To spark deeper level conversations we based the workshops on real-life case studies, experienced across the Anglo American Group, focussing to:
- Equip employees with the knowledge and skills to effectively navigate difficult ethical dilemmas.
- Drive two-way conversation, ensuring deeper levels of understanding.
- Encourage discussion and collaboration, with attendees sharing experiences and applying knowledge.
- Place education at the core, promoting Anglo American’s consistent approach on how to Conduct Business with Integrity.
To help explain the real-life case studies we created illustrations to tell the story, introducing hypothetical characters with narrative to provide context and details, so it was very clear to the participants exactly how the scenario and situations played out.
We also created an accompanying facilitator pack, which meant any host could pick up the training tools provided and run the workshops with consistency, so the same training was provided to everyone. All deliverables were translated to meet local language requirements, and we ensured there was robust consideration for deeper localisation and cultural nuances, so the entire training could be understood by everyone globally and applied correctly.
To wrap up the training, once all the sessions were completed a senior leader circulated an email to all attendees announcing the winning team – complete with the winning ‘virtual medal’.
The Outcome
We’ve received some brilliant feedback from the workshop participants:
“I really enjoyed the game format and the team interaction in the session.”
“I enjoyed getting to see things from multiple perspectives from my team members.”
“Very engaging training thank you.”
“Really enjoyed the training and the new game format.”
“I enjoyed the entire session through the great facilitation and the gaming format used.”
And from the facilitators:
“Experience was very good and would like the same method of training to be used again.”
“Can see how this type of training and discussion will bring about a broader culture change.”
“The training provided a fresh new experience for learners.”
“Training has encouraged some participants to reach out for additional support from the compliance team.”
“It was encouraging to see how the participants’ level of understanding and answers increased from the first to the last question.”
- Uplift of attendance from 2022 to 2023: 131%
- Uplift in feedback (via Microsoft Form) from 2022 to 2023: 446%